
Responsible Disclosure

Responsible Disclosure

Responsible Disclosure

Last updated November 1, 2022


Reporting to IT systems Our CISO team is committed to protecting our customers. As part of this commitment, we invite security researchers to help protect Cybrient Technologies and its users by proactively identifying security vulnerabilities via our bug bounty program. We work hard every day to maintain and improve our systems and processes so that our customers can safely use our products online at all times. However, should you find a weakness in one of our IT systems, we would appreciate your help.
What you can report
You can report any number of weaknesses in our IT systems. If you spot a weakness, please contact us as soon as possible. Examples are:
  • SQL Injection vulnerabilities;
  • Encryption weaknesses;
  • Remote Code Execution;
  • Authentication Bypass, Unauthorized data access;
  • XML External Entity;
  • S3 Bucket Upload;
  • Server-Side Request Forgery.
How to report a weakness
  • Provide your IP address in the bug report. This will be kept private for tracking your testing activities and to review the logs from our side.
  • You can report weaknesses to us by completing the form. State concisely in your email what weakness(es) you have found. We will take action immediately.
  • Describe the found issue as explicit and detailed as possible and provide any evidence you might have. You can take into account that the notification will be received by specialists.
  • We will not accept only automated scanners output.
  • Particularly include the following in your e-mail:
  • Which vulnerability;
  • The steps you undertook;
  • The entire URL;
  • Objects (as filters or entry fields) possibly involved;
  • Screenshots and videos are highly appreciated.
What we do with your report
A team of security experts will investigate your report and will contact you within two work days to discuss the weakness, how you found it and follow-up action.
Your privacy
We will only use your personal details to take action based on your report. We will not share your personal details with others without your express permission.
Observe the rules
If you discover a weakness and investigate it, you might perform actions that are punishable by law. If you observe the rules for reporting weaknesses in our IT systems, we will not report your offence to the authorities and will not submit a claim. It is important for you to know, however, that the public prosecutor’s office – not Cybrient Technologies – will decide whether or not you will be prosecuted, regardless of whether we report your offence to the authorities. We cannot promise that you will not be prosecuted if you commit a punishable offence when investigating a weakness. The National Cyber Security Centre of the Ministry of Security and Justice has created guidelines for reporting weaknesses in IT systems. Our rules are based on these guidelines.
Take responsibility and act with extreme care and caution. When investigating the matter, only use methods or techniques that are necessary in order to find or demonstrate the weaknesses.
  • Secure your own systems as tightly as possible.
  • Do not use weaknesses you discover for purposes other than your own investigation.
  • Do not use social engineering to gain access to a system.
  • Do not install any back doors – not even to demonstrate the vulnerability of a system. Back doors will weaken the system’s security.
  • Do not alter or delete any information in the system. If you need to copy information for your investigation, never copy more than you need. If one record is sufficient, do not go any further.
  • Do not alter the system in any way.
  • Only infiltrate a system if absolutely necessary. If you do manage to infiltrate a system, do not share access with others.
  • Do not use brute force techniques, such as repeatedly entering passwords, to gain access to systems.
Frequently-asked questions
Will I receive a reward for my investigation?
Yes, you might receive a reward depending on the severity of the weaknesses you report. You are not necessarily entitled to compensation. The amount of the reward is not fixed in advance. Cybrient Technologies determines the amount, based on the following:
  • The caution taken in your investigation
  • The quality of your report
  • The amount of potential damages prevented as a result of your report
Am I allowed to publicise the weaknesses I find and my investigation?
Never publicise weaknesses in our IT systems or your investigation without consulting us first. We can work together to prevent criminals from abusing your information. Consult with our security experts and give us time to solve the problem.
Can I report a weakness anonymously?
Yes, you can. You do not have to give us your name and contact details when you report a weakness. Please realise, however, that we will be unable to consult with you about follow-up measures, e.g. what we do about your report, further collaboration, giving you credit or a possible reward.
What shouldn’t I use this email address for?
The "Responsible Disclosure" report form functionality is not intended for the following:
  • To submit complaints about Cybrient Technologies’s products or services
  • To submit questions or complaints about the availability of the website, or our brands
  • To report fraud or suspicion of fraud
  • To report phony emails or phishing emails
  • To report viruses


  • Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities (i.e. Stored, Reflected);
  • "Self" XSS;
  • Use of Acunetix or any other automated / penetration testing third-party tools (this will get you banned AND reported);
  • Running any automated / brute scripts against our infrastructure (this will get you banned AND reported);
  • Any email related vulnerabilities;
  • HTTP Host Header XSS;
  • Clickjacking/X-FRAME issues;
  • Incomplete/Missing DMARC/SPF/DKIM;
  • User enumeration related issues (WP/OpenSSL);
  • Social Engineering attacks;
  • Any hardware/infrastructure Tests (CPU/Memory/Disk) (this will get you banned AND reported)
  • Any weakness in a third-party service(s), api(s), we are using - report those to the 3rd parties directly;
  • Denial of Service attacks (this will get you banned AND reported).


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